Sunday, August 13, 2006

catered by Zabar's

Today I went to brunch at Shantha and Stephanie's house and met Shantha and Janak's parents in a delightful birthday-anniversary-new citizenship celebration.

There was a ridiculous quantity of cake. The appearance of Babka led us to a discussion of where one could buy kosher food in San Francisco (also a concern of our friend Moyshe Ben Fisted) and, ultimately, the revelation that the brunch had been more or less catered by Zabar's.

Now, another thing is: Rachel and I have been friends for approximately 14 years and, thus, I have also known Stephanie, her sister, for about that long. And Rachel and I met Janak, I think, in 8th grade, several years before Stephanie and Shantha met and became best friends. It has become clear that we have a significant photo deficit for which we must compensate. Thankfully, digital cameras have become omnipresent in the intervening years and we are now free to indulge in as much manic documentation as we desire.

So, here is a merry photo of the fabulous band of siblings taken during our semi-spontaneous gathering of a bunch of Jews from New York in a sushi joint in San Francisco last February.

And a photographic homage to the place that brought us all together. Despite what you may think, that place is not Hunter, Stuyvesant, or even San Francisco.

It is, of course, Zabar's.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Other than the up into the nose photos..I love these. May I share your comments with Judy Zabar? Thank you Da!

5:45 PM

Blogger D said...

Er, of course you may share them!

Janak and Shantha's parents are great.


11:22 PM


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