Thursday, May 17, 2007

I'm in the NY Times

Check it out: a feature on the "Girls Just Wanna Have Fund$" performances at the WFC I'm doing with the Women's Project.

If you have the actual paper, you can see some snazzy photos (one featuring yours truly) on page 2 of the Metro section (sorry, outta towners).

We have 7 more shows (in 2 days!), so please come by. They begin at the Gatehouse A/Liberty St Bridge entrance (Liberty and South End Ave) and travel to various locations in the WFC. Friday at 1, 5, and 7. Saturday at 1, 2:30, 4, and 5:30.

Please spread the word!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Davina! Claire Shinkman here - Rachel's friend whom you once dressed up in vinyl. Making art in Michigan these days, God help me ;) Congratulations on the amazing projects, and say hi to Maria Goyanes for me - we were in the same class at NTI way back in the halcyon days of 1999.

7:55 AM

Blogger D said...

Hi Claire!

Great to hear from you!

Hope all is well in Michigan. I will say hello to Maria for you.

10:29 AM


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